The Music has Changed

There is a method to this madness. You see, this flower power/hippy music reminds me that life is more about people interacting, rather than how much food they consume at my party, or how fancy the fare is.
We tend to get caught up in that. Not sure if it comes from some need to "wow" people with our culinary talents or what. But, since eating too much has become a problem in our society and we are slowly loosing ground on the person to person type of socializing, I am taking a mammoth step for me and not providing enough food for the city and its rather plain stuff. No 10 hour baking sessions. I used to do that, but now I am over 50 and ask, "why?"
Just for good measure, to ensure I am not being the over achieving, must have things perfect, type any longer, I have left some dust here and there to make it seem more homey. More real. Dust is natural. It makes things seem softer in appearance maybe. There are not going to be any little children here that might be tempted to practice their ABC's in the dust so I won't be mortified. Dear sweet Melanie did that once, wrote her name in the dust on my friends coffee table while we were visiting her.
Well, the Mountain Dew is helping but I still would rather sit and read a book for a bit or walk around the land and watch the woodpeckers at the feeder.
I am sharing a picture of my Mountain Dew bottle. I don't think I will drink it all, if I did, sleep might not come for days on end. But it is shocking how much is gone !
The "what shall I wear ? " question is still out there. Here are my choices. A Christmas colored tie dye shirt and baggy hemp pants, birks on my feet with some red wool socks. Or I have this wonderful cobalt blue kameeze with pearl snowflakes on it. Then of course, I could do the chic thing and wear black with red with all the fixins. The first outfit is the most comfy of choices and seems to fit the present mood best. But the others are far more fancy. Close friends are the guests, folks that know and love me for who I am. So, what ya'll think ?
The snowflakes will be "Christmassy".