The Reality of Heating with Wood

The wood stove is looking toasty warm in the picture, but that was after the iron monster was well fed.
Here is the tale of Homestead life on a cold night, when stomachs were in turmoil !
Going back a few hours, its 3 a.m. The house is cold. The temperature outside is 20 F, and that is what is says on the thermometer by the back door, sheltered and always showing a couple degrees higher than reality.
Emery and I went out to eat last night to celebrate our anniversary a day early. Thursday night is quieter at the restaurants then on Friday. So we celebrated a day early.
By 3 a.m. its evident we ate something bad. Both of us wake feeling horrid. The house is cold, the fire had died down. When you feel yucky, being cold is worse than any other time, or so it felt last night, well, actually, this morning. This is one of those times that this simple homestead life, with its "wood heat only" conviction is not so much fun, and certainly is not to be romanticized as the perfect life. Its a reminder of what Little House on the Prairie must have been like at times, in regard to cold houses.It seems like hours before the fire has been coaxed into warm dancing flames, but it's only minutes. Time has a funny way of fooling you at times.
Logs stuffed into the belly of the cast iron hungry monster, casting a copper glow on the wooden floor in front of it.
Trips to the bathroom reaffirm to both Emery and I that we are certainly grateful to have indoor plumbing. Eating out is dangerous I guess, hazardous to your health at times and when the temperature drops below the freezing mark, and the house is cold, it hardly seems worth the risk to eat out, knowing bacteria lurks in so many places when the food is prepared by unknown hands.
Our wood stove goes all night, but I had turned it up a little last night because it was supposed to get down to 12 degrees. About 3 AM when I woke up to go to the bathroom, I went ahead and put a couple more logs on the fire. Our house is always chilly in the morning, and then we crank our monster up too.
Stay warm and enjoy your anniversary.
I'm sorry that you ate something bad. Eating out used to be such a joy and treat for me, something I really looked forward to and enjoyed - but lately I just can't seem to enjoy it knowing about all that bacteria running around and poorly trained/washed employees.
We opted to turn on the propane last night because it was one of the coldest we've had so far.
Thankful we have the wood-monster, but was COLD!
Second ... I certainly hope you feel better today. How unpleasant to be sick *and* cold!
After reading your story I'm glad our wood stove is not our only source of heat. The temperature here went down to -13 (celcius) last night and the idea of getting up in the middle of the night to "feed the monster" ... well I just can't imagine. Thank you, L-rd, for central heating!
Jackie in cold ON
I hope that both of you feel much better today and can snuggle up together in front of the "monster" and enjoy your day.
I hope you're feeling much better. I've had the same thoughts recently about eating out. I'm sure glad I like to cook.
Happy Anniversary and I hope you stay very warm and snuggly!
Judy L.