The Art of Living in the Slow Lane

Today was that way for me. Worked out this morning for about 2 hours, then went shopping for a couple hours. I am finished shopping for gifts now and it feels good to have it done. The house is a total mess of decorations scattered here and there, waiting to be put in their proper places. The tree still naked, devoid of lights and ornaments. Just didn't have time last night or this morning to finish the job.
We had a Christmas parade in town Sunday night, followed by fireworks. Which left no time to finish the tree.
On a side note, it was so cold at the parade, we all thought we would freeze. My feet were numb, but then that was my own fault. I chose "cute" shoes over warm boots. The price of vanity !
With a bit of caffeine in my body today, I was able to get a lot done, the tree is still naked but a nice fire is going in the stove, which led me to this moment of simple indulgence. Cappuccino and a chocolate.
Silence except for the popping and crackling from the stove. I had time to slow down and sip my warm drink, savor a chocolate and look around the room, deciding what decoration is to go where. Packed up some decorations I no longer like, tastes do change in time and I cleaned some and wrote out the invitations for my Parisian Christmas Party. Also talked to 2 of our children a couple times along with chatting with Emery numerous times.
During my do nothing time, I just sate there thinking. Taking time from the fast lane of holiday stuff to slow down and enjoy a moment of procrastination.
It was rejuvenating. Gave me that second wind. I well remember when the children were small that moments like this were rare and sometimes filled with a feeling of guilt, since I just knew there was something constructive I could have done.
Maybe I missed some opportunities to do nothing. Actually I am sure I did.
I am wiser now and take them, without guilt.
So take time from this busy life to enjoy a bit of time in the slow lane.
An ornament waiting to go on the tree, chocolates and cappuccino with whipped cream on top