Decorating for Christmas

It was the perfect day to weed through the book cases and get rid of some of the books we don't read, or never have read, or are so outdated, it gives you a chuckle seeing the furniture styles.
It was also a day to stray from my task and look through old magazines, getting ideas on how I want to decorate for Christmas. I poured over the well worn pages of Country Life from the 1980's looking at colonial style homes, rich in color and natural decorations.
I was then inspired enough to attack my boxes of Christmas decorations and pull some things out and put them together. No two years ever quite the same in how things come together. I put something together, sit and look at it, make changes or feel satisfied.
This is how the dinning room table ended up today. It will change a few times throughout the holiday season but not much.
Tomorrow, another simple day at home and more cleaning and more decorating.
Jackie in ON