A Ramble from yesterday

It felt good to be outside in this kind of weather. Its invigorating. My hands were pink from cold as I shot a few baskets at the old worn out basketball hoop, the very same one that the boys played with for years. I got 10 out 15 shots.
The whole time I was shooting the basketball I was thinking only about making the basket. Feeling positive and shooting with intention. When I quit playing to lock up the chickens in the hen house for the night, I took the time to look around. They sky was beautiful, baby colors. Pink in a blue sky. The moon half full and glowing white.
It was difficult to stay on task. There was so much to see. Birds flying from here to there, something moving in the woods. Clothes needing to be pulled in off the clothes line, but I wanted to explore.
I was thinking about yesterday morning on my way to the store, iced over puddles, cows with great puffs of steamy breath, tall grasses sparkling with frost. I was thankful I had chosen the country road, well, the most country road. It takes a while to get to any city in this area and for that I am very happy. The city is not my favorite place. A few hours in the city is enough to last me a couple weeks.
It was fun wandering around as this day turned into night . The chickens all comfortable on their perches. The cats curled up in hay bales. A candle in the window drawing me into the warmth. The clothes all taken down from the line, smelling sweetly clean and feeling soft from being beaten by the wind of the day. Smoke from the chimney, curling towards the back of the house, scenting the yard with the smell of burning oak. Just another perfectly simple day on the homestead.
Last night it was hard to get my pictures to load so I gave up !
Yesterdays sky at sunset, with the moon tiny near the middle of the picture
One of our chickens, she was hoping I had some treat for her
Tomorrow we are expecting blinding rains, high winds, hail and a bad thunderstorm. Thats Texas for ya !