Christmas Day

What a delightful Christmas we had ! A day filled with fun, laughter, good gifts and lots of love. Only one thing seemed wrong with the day and that was the fact that Melissa and James were not here with us.
How much we all missed Melissa. We talked several times on the phone, but its not the same as being together.
My family showered me with delightful meaningful gifts, each present assuring me that my family knows me well.
Today I was brave and went shopping for 50% off wrapping paper and Christmas cards for next year.
Just so happened that all the Hello Kitty ornaments and Christmas decorations were 50 % off too, so had to get some for gifts for next year.
The stores were not crowded, making shopping fun. A quick trip to Starbucks made the morning extra special, thanks to a Starbucks gift card I was given.
Tonight Emery and I met Melanie and Casi in the store where we all looked at baby beds and all sorts of baby equipment.
She needs everything but clothing for the baby !
What fun to be preparing for this new baby and another grandbaby a few months later.
Emery discovering Santa gave him Tabac, the cologne he wore when we first met.
Melanie and Casi, looking cute as ever together
Steven and Priscilla working on uploading pictures onto a digital key ring my sister gave them
All around the table, ready to eat.
Yes, I am the camera person so no shots of me.