Girls Day Out

It was chilly enough that the hot coffee really hit the spot.
By 3:30 we were both tired and glad to be heading back into the quiet of country living.
Melanie found a few things she was hoping to find and I got a couple more Christmas presents purchased.
Emery and I spend just about $25 on each person in the family. Never going crazy at Christmas, just giving a gift that means something. The idea behind Christmas gift giving was probably not meant to put people in debt or decide to buy gifts instead of paying a bill.
I saw a lady with a tee shirt on the other day that said, " On Dasher and Dancer, on Master and Visa"
I laughed when I saw it, then decided it really is a sad commentary on peoples spending habits.
Melanie at La Madelines
Melanie heading to the toy store, the very place we used to buy toys for the children, now we were looking for baby toys for the next generation. How fun is that !