Perfect Decorator

I have been held in awe of the skyscapes of the last few days. This morning we woke to rain, wind and chilly air.
On my way to the gym, my heart filled with delight at the changing clouds in the sky. They were breathtaking in their subtleness. No flashy colors, just muted shades of gray that ebbed and flowed as if they were an ocean of clouds. You could pick out the painted waves of a Japanese woodblock, or the pencil drawings of winter skys in a favorite book.
I had to stop at the health food store and instead of hopping out of the car, I found myself sitting there, gazing out the car window, mesmerized by the shapes and the softness of the sky. There were some clouds that were a bit puffy, but orderly. There was something familiar about them, but I couldn't think of what it was, then it came to me, they looked like my Grandmothers curls. Soft and full of those wonderful colors of aging hair. White, gray and true to form for the times, they had a touch of that purple-blue that came from some silver bottle of tint, so well known to the older generation of that time.
These simple clouds made me feel so much. With my eyes closed, I could feel the touch of my grandmothers hands, the feel of her soft curls, the sound of her voice and the remember the love between a Grandmother and Grand-daughter.
To be truthful, I felt lost in the moment...only the car door being slammed shut in the next parking spot brought me back to the present.
I shopped for what I needed, and headed to the fitness center for my training. I did push ups today. I real accomplishment.
After my workout, I headed home, praying the clouds would stay so alive, yet so much like snow on rolling hills. Walked in the door of the house, greeted by the chill of a house with no heat on, but grabbed my boots and camera and headed out the door. So much to see. I was not disappointed by my walk. Skyscape, ever changing, like masterpieces on a conveyor belt before my eyes.
Holly with berries so bright. Tiny white berries appearing on the mistletoe, perfect for harvesting along with the arrival of Winter Solstice. Ducks swimming, others grooming. Water rippling in the gentle wind, the air chilly. Feathers in the grass, tiny green plants holding fast to the earth.
If it had not been for the chill in the air I suspect I would still be wandering.
Now at home, fire burning brightly, a cup of hot Pero next to me and a warm woolen shawl around my shoulders, that feels right too.
Nature astounded me today with its beauty. Colors, shapes, sizes, form and a blending that is an example of a Masters hand.
Ahhh, a perfect day.
The clouds today
A Feather,
Mistletoe with its white berries
Holly Berries
All taken within 2 miles of my home