More Decorating

My muscles were kinda sore today from my workout yesterday. I moved a bit slower than normal.
The whole time I was working around the house today I was thinking about the fires in Moorpark California, we lived in Moorpark for nearly a decade. I know the area well. I know what it feels like to have all the highways around there closed and seeing flames on the hillsides.
Then hearing about the family lost in Grants Pass Oregon, we lived in Grants Pass, near the Rogue River. Its a strange feeling having lived in the two areas when they are in the news for such difficult things. We had a bear den on our land in Grants Pass. The bear being shot just before we moved in and then one time the girls were shutting the gate and they felt breathing near them, it was a bear. Its a rough and demanding land. I loved it, but never got used to hearing mountain lions screaming at night.
My prayers are with the Kim family, that the husband be found alive and well. They say bear prints have been found all around his foot prints. Hopefully made at very different times.
If you think of it say a prayer for Melissa, there is a good chance she has strep throat. This is when mom has a hard time with all the miles between us. I know her husband will take good care of her, but still, mom wishes she was closer.
Wish she was right here in Texas so I could bring her some chicken soup and give her a hug.
The tree in the living room, still need to put the candles on the tree
The dinning room tree, looks like I have some lights to straighten up !
The living room peg board decorated and stockings hung
Mr Teddy sits in a rocker under the tree in the dinning room reading a Christmas book