Pictures from the Party

Sometimes you have a party that is just the right mix of people, and this was one of those. I enjoyed myself so much.
We feel really blessed to have such good friends. Truly good people. I decided to wear a linen tunic top, black cotton pants and be barefoot. Comfortable and still looked fine. My friends all laughed at my "barefootedness". They sort of expect that sort of thing from me. Its nice to be yourself, very freeing and its when you bloom the best. All evening I kept thinking how this would have been a perfect night had Melissa and James been here too. I sure miss her. All the phone calls, the IM's in the world cannot replace a real hug.
The dinning room table was filled with food and about half the young people stayed out there chatting and eating while the rest of us sat in the living room and talked.
The kitchen table was decorated for Chanukah with the menorah burning bright. Melanie brought over her new menorah as it went well with the decorations.
I slept soundly last night, not from the work of having the party, but from the joy of having so many wonderful people in my life. We are made richer not by things, but by the people that come into our lives that bless us by their ways or teach us by their ways.