Tuesdays, My Busy Day

Take Emery to work at 8 a.m. , (we have just one car) then I head on to Weight Watchers, get weighed and hopefully inspired.
I lost 2 and 1/2 lbs this week. I was happy with that.
Did some shopping at Goodwill. Need some smaller clothes and found some at a good price. Shopped for bread, cheese and some meat. Found some exceptionally good chocolates and stopped in at Emery's office with lunch for him, Casi and myself. We chatted leisurely and enjoyed the sensible but delightfully simple lunch. I had a nice iced coffee from Starbucks to give me a bit of a boost for my afternoon workout.
Took my Tai Chi class and am in love with it more each week. Its so beautiful, so fluid, so energizing and so in touch with your own personal flow of energy. Its almost like a massage for your soul.
Did my work out with my trainer. She is good, really good. Pushes without being pushy. I really like her which makes it so much more pleasant. I am one of those people that needs, yes, needs to do things correctly. I want to do things right, not sloppy or haphazard, so my training sessions are serious and controlled. I am an over achiever, even in the gym.
After a couple miles on the treadmill, it was time to head home. Felt good, invigorated, energized and proud of myself for being faithful in working out. It feels like for the next year or so, my own personal job will be to get in shape and loose this extra body weight. Its going to be work. When I shopped today, there were so many very classy, chic dresses for small sizes and I knew right then and there that by next year I can buy some of those dresses and wear them. Not so much for vanity sake, but to feel good. To look good, not dowdy or frumpy. To walk into a room, knowing I am looking the best I can. Maybe there is some vanity in that and I am comfortable with that it seems.
I love that my husband is fit, looks well in his clothes, dresses well and yet he is not vain or conceited. He knows I love how he looks and how he cares for himself. It would be a lie for me to say I didn't like how handsome he is to me. Well, he should have my very best too. Keeping romance and that spark alive as much now as it was 28 years ago.
Its so easy to get lazy when you are secure in your relationship, to just know that you are loved no matter what you look like. I don't want to be lazy any more about my appearance. As a side benefit, I feel better too looking my best and fixing my hair, putting on a bit of make-up and dressing up a bit.
Its just nice to feel good about how you look. Just like keeping your house tidy reflects on you, so doesn't how you dress and how you groom yourself.
My problem is, that its work to stay looking good and sometimes its just so easy to be lazy and stick on those yoga pants with a tee, forget to comb my hair and wear sneakers with white cotton socks that give me a " just worked out" appearance.
And if you make your clothes, choose your fabric carefully, not looking like your entire outfit is out of novelty apron fabric. I once had a guests outfit matched the napkins I had made for that holiday season. I was thankful it was just the napkins I had made and not a tablecloth ! After that experience, my rule has been for sewing, if its suitable for the table, its probably not suitable for a dress or jumper.
A table set for tea with pretty china is so much more appealing than a table set with paper plates and Styrofoam cups and I would think our clothing should be chosen with the same care as we use when setting a table.
This old fat cat lives at the Log Cabin Village and has a pretty easy life.
Every morning, when I get up, I shower and then put on what little makeup I wear. I only use a little eye makeup and a light powder and blush. It takes a few minutes, but I don't feel dressed until I have my makeup and earrings on. It becomes a routine that you don't want to skip.
Now, I just need to start an exercise routine. I am a Goodwill shopper, and find wonderful bargains there. Don't know if I could bring myslef to go to a department store and pay full retail again.
Love your blog.
I've wanted to take Tai Chi for a long time. I like the way you describe it as "almost like a massage for your soul". Maybe I should be taking of my list of "things to do someday" and put it on my list of "things done"!
I've been struggling with vanity vs simplicity, but you are right when you say that looking our best for our DH is important. My wonderful DH does deserve my best, and if means sometimes travelling down the "chic" path then so be it. I just don't want to stay on that path too long because it has felt to me too much like vanity, consumption and becoming too self absorbed, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. But I too want to look good when I walk into a room, like someone who cares. This stuff is difficult to put into words sometimes. Anyway, I think your point of view will help me to put it into better perspective. Thanks for that!!
I just bought the book Look Great Feel Great by Joyce Meyer and I'm looking forward to getting into that. I think this will also help me to find my way in this chic vs vanity struggle I find myself in.
Jackie in ON