Balance.... a P.S. to my last post

I feel like I need to add to my last post about 'things and stuff". In all things in life there is balance. I am not thinking any of us should live like poor monks. We are to have comfort and pretty things around us, I believe that. Looking at Proverbs 31 sort of gives us the idea that prosperity is something a woman works for, but the point remains, that we should not over extend our means and always put the needs of others on the same level of importance. Never forgetting the orphans and widows, the elders in our families and those in our midst.
Just in our modern day, we own and want more than we would ever need. That is not a good thing. Not when there are so many in need.
I have pretty things around me, most gotten at Goodwill or given to me as gifts. I work hard at keeping things in balance. Not having more than I will use or have just because I think I should or because someone else has them. Working towards modesty in ownership.
But don't think you need to live in a stripped down minimalist type home, where comfort is not found. Homes should be welcoming and pleasant. Living life with security in who you are and not in the things you own !
Just wanted to add that to what I had said in the last post. Didn't want anyone misunderstanding what I was trying to say.


Sandra said…
This post and the previous are both excellent. It's one thing to have items you use and enjoy, it's another to stuff our houses full and spend money just to look good and have the latest toy.

We are to be stewards of what God has given us. We tithe 10% but the 90% is still God's. Keeping a loose grip on things is important, I think.

Thanks for another thoughtful post, Patty.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Just think of all the starving and homeless people out there who could be helped with all that money spent on unimportant and unneccessary things. Yes, like you said it's important to have things of beauty around you but beauty can be found in such simple and inexpensive ways. I know you would agree with me on that. :)
Sunny said…
It is FOCUS. Knowing what I REALLY want out of life helps me sort out what I don't need. Of course, what some folks really want is bigger toys and flashy things to show off with. That is OUT OF FOCUS. I tried VERY hard to convince a good fellow (you don't know him-but you'd know who I meant if I told you) that he DIDN'T need another mansion. He has plenty more than enough material goods. But, because he does not have enough emotional satisfaction (and never will, barring a miracle) he "went through life sad" (to paraphrase the Rich Young Ruler story of Matthew 19). Which is really too bad, because if he would follow the advise of Jesus in the above mentioned chapter, he'd be GLAD.
smilnsigh said…
I just came upon your Blog. So happy to find one, which speaks to

Thank you for being here. I'm sure I'll love dropping in here, from time to time. And getting ideas to help me in my quest for a more simple life.

Like you, I'm not looking for total and stark simplicity. Just a happy medium.
Shellie said…
Acheiving balance is the key to everything in life but it's often difficult to attain especially in the acquisition of "stuff". I think this is an area we all have to work on.

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