Accountability of Our Thoughts and Actions

Not very often does a day go by when I don't spend some time reflecting on my actions and my ethics.
For so many years, my goal has been to live simply and morally. Not morals in the sense that they have become the topic of modern society, but morality as in ethical motivation and actions. We have grown to a place in modern times where morals to us represents the opposite of killing, stealing and the like. Big actions, but not the little motivations.
It is all those big things of course too, but it is also the finer points of our actions too. We should think of each word, action and thought and weigh it to see if what we do is morally correct and purposely live to help end the suffering of our fellow man. To act in such a way as to do no harm, and to benefit others.
Like so many others in this world, its easy to get caught up in a million different things that scatter your purpose and pull you away from the things you desire to accomplish.
Sitting in silence always pulls me back to the place of clarity. The place where I can focus on what is of deep importance to me. The things within our life's work that is at our core. Our life work, our purpose.
When I was out feeding the chickens, listening to their sounds, watching their actions, it was my time to reflect. The green grass around me like velvet carpet, soft, lush and beautiful to behold. Besides the chicken sounds, there was only silence in every direction. Leaves falling like golden paper from the sky. The damp earth from the mornings heavy dew scented the air with that same smell you find in a bag of potting soil. Its a good smell. It makes you want to repeat the title of Pearl Bucks book, The Good Earth, for that's what is around me.
This moment of reflection has me questioning what is really important. If I could paint a portrait of what I believe represents my deepest me, it would be a slender woman, gray hair, straight and simply cut, clothes of natural fabric, perhaps baggy in fit, shoes that allowed for silent steps, a face, calm and serene. For this is what my desire to be is, to become. To attain a level of being that is wrapped in a package that speaks of quiet understanding.
I loose track of this goal often. It gets knocked aside by peer pressure, yes even at 52 it exists. It gets shoved to the side by things like uncertainty in which road to walk. Or then there is busy-ness and it is one of life's greatest distractions.
So today, I sit in silence, watching chickens. Finding that deep place within me where ethical behaviors are questioned, accountability faced and simplicity is renewed. Where things, possessions, stuff etc have no power over me. I need to sit in silence more often.


Anonymous said…
Do you think it is harder for women to live without being influenced (or sidetracked) by other women? My husband always seems to be absolutely resolute in his convictions. Whereas, I *feel* like I am and then other people, or a group of people, say something interesting or exciting and I go along for the ride. For example, I live ethically (I try not to consume mindlessly) but get over-excited and forget this when I see other women buying beautiful things. Is it a female thing, is it to do with wanting to be liked?
Patty said…
Dear Plainandsimple,
We are emotional creatures, which makes us warm and loving to our families and caring, not that men are not but we are more sympathedic and connected to the things around us, on a deeper emotional level. So we do jump on the bandwagon, trying to see if this new "whatever" may be good for us, better our families, our homes. We look deeply for things to make us better, kinder, more beautiful. Those are wonderful qualities that make us women ! Embracing that and accepting that aspect of our being, helps us let go of guilt that does not serve us well. We learn and grow. Learn from mistakes and grow from the chances we took.
We learn in time that certain things grow old and taken for granted in no time at all, and therefore do not give us the emotional "food" we had hoped for, but that takes years of training.
When we become sure of ourselves, we need so much less "stuff".
But, we should always be on the lookout for things that do improve our lives and therefore the lives of our families.
My husband is so solid and set on who he is. We are a good match. Balance is acheived in this mix.
I suspect God is very wise in who He matches up !

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