Morning Ramble in Pictures and Words

All morning I have been wondering how I could have you all see into my morning. It feels like a leisurely saunter down a country road or a peaceful ride through the countryside in a horse and buggy. Slow, deliberate and so filled with color, scents, and sounds that sooth the soul.
We had terrible storms last night, hour after hour thunder clapped all around us, shaking the glass in the windows and rattling the chimney. Lightning flashed continuously. More than once in the wee hours of the night, Emery got up to check things outside. It was un-nerving it was so tumultuous. By morning all was calm and the world around me was veiled in chiffon like fog. Colors muted, but still vibrant somehow. Much like a Monet painting in every direction. Everything seemed impressionistic, rather than detailed.
A stroll across the land provided me with the view of masterpieces in nature without a frame. Berries on the asparagus ferns, red among green feathers. Lettuce and Mullein, catching drops of water and wearing them in their own style.
Leaves like tiny dishes catching water...bark on pine trees more showy than their needles. Shining like a middle child who so rarely has center stage.
I hate to leave it all but my stomach growls, reminding me I have not eaten breakfast, suddenly I feel as though starving.
One fried egg, just off the nest, English muffins toasted and left over fried potatoes with lots of onions is the morning fare and coffee, a whole pot for myself. Its a small pot. I eat alone in the dinning room, candle lit to brighten the room. Emery was off to work early, leaving me to sleep in the now peaceful morning.
Food gone, coffee still left in the pot, I move to the living room. Light the lamp in the window by my rocker. Pour another cup of coffee, read a few lines of poetry, pray and just watch the world outside my window. Contentment would be an understatement for how I feel. Its deeper than that.
In the corner of the wool basket I see a bit of orange under the pink roving, hummm, thought I had spun all the orange. I pull out a nice round ball of orange roving, not a big amount but happily my hands set to spinning, the wheels hum and clickety clack sounds perfect for the setting. I stop now and again to just sit and rock while watching a squirrel, rather fat, run across the lawn and jump into the pine tree. He looks at me, full on and it seems as though I should wave hello to him or something. I just watch him and again remind myself of how wonderful life is.
It seems the perfect day to bake, but if I do I will eat it. And eat too much of whatever it would be. For a while I try to reason that all this exercise and dieting seems so vain, so self centered...perhaps I am looking for some reasoning that will give me permission to bake and eat what goodie is made, but no, its not self centered entirely, its health. A bit of vanity too, yes I will admit to that. Would love to look good in whatever clothes I choose.
I feel weak mentally regarding dieting. It wearies me.
My resolve melted away with the warmth of the woodstove, and the advent of cold weather. Times that call for comforting food and drink. No fear friends, I will get my "groove" back and once again count points or calories and see the numbers lower on the scale. But today, today seems just the day for soft molasses cookies and hot chocolate.


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