Gathering Herbs and Roses before the Frost

I came in with armloads of wonderful smelling bundles.
Rose geranium, lavender, mullein, comfrey, and since there was an abundance of rosemary, I picked lots of it. It was also time to harvest my fennel seeds.
There is something very soothing to the soul in gathering in herbs to scent the house for the cold winter months and also use them as needed.
I hang the herbs from the beam that spans the living room. The heat from the woodstove dries them quickly.
With Christmas just around the corner, it will be time to make my rosemary wreaths. I love this time of the year. Apple and orange slices rolled in cinnamon and hung to dry, making a fragrant garland to be hung throughout the house. Oranges covered in cloves and filling a basket on the hearth. The stoves heat intensifying their spicy smell. Simple delight !
Fennel seeds ready to be gathered
Bundles of herbs waiting to be tied and hung to dry
Falls last roses, heavenly scent !