Quilt Blocks Are Arriving and some chit chat
I often write about how we need more compassion in this world and you know what, I am seeing it. This quilt for Mei-Ling is all about love and compassion for a wee one that has already faced more than many of us will in our life time and there is more to come for her.
It feels as if a whole community is surrounding her with prayer and love and nothing beats that. Its awe inspiring and its proof that compassion is alive and doing well.
Today Mei-Ling tried on her new winter jacket for me and it looked so cute on her, but she was quick to tell Grammie, "hot" and she wanted it off. Which at least tells us, it will be a nice warm jacket for her this winter.
Steven drove the truck over here a while ago, leaving work to pick up "Bucky" and take him back to his owner. He did what he was meant to do and we have no further use for him this year. He left here fatter than when he arrived and his hooves have been trimmed. I bathed him and brushed him, so his coat was shiny and clean. However he had an abscess when he arrived and he needed to be quarantined so he didn't give it to my girls, so I was almost happy to see him go. Casi came right over to help Steven put the buck into the cage on the back of the pickup. I feel blessed... kind helpful young men in our family that will always be there when we need them. Priscilla and her mother are making blocks for Mei-Lings quilt too. Another blessing. Melanie is making one too, full of love and hope and prayer. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family and so many wonderful friends, and yes, you out there in Cyberland are friends too. Our world is no longer small and narrow, confined to just our own little neighborhoods.
A note yesterday from Melissa, telling us she loves us and thanking us for some small thing we did for her. I feel so blessed.
Emery calling on the phone to see how the goat send off went, making sure Bucky didn't give me a run around the property. We do live in a world where compassion does exist and is given so freely by so many. Life is good.
Have a Beautiful & Blessed Day
We would feel blessed to have a quilt block made by you for Mei-Lings quilt. Just email me at pasuhi54@msn.com and I will let you know where to send the block
Know that I will keep Mei-Ling and all of you as her family in my thoughts and prayers. ((Hugs))