Good Things In My Day
On the way home we stopped at Starbucks. Yes, I know I talk about not spending wildly, but every fall, I loose my sense of reason and buy coffee at $4 a whack. Here comes a confession...I am addicted to Pumpkin Spice Lattes. They call me. I think about them first thing in the morning. I justify buying them by saying things like, "I don't buy much for myself." "I deserve a treat now and again. " "Its my only vice", etc. You know the kind of self talk we can come up with. Well, today, I ordered my latte and somehow they made it into a Frappachino and before I arrived at the window, they realized they made it wrong but asked me if I wanted the frappachino anyway. A gift ! A miracle ! A blessing ! The law of attraction at work ! I had TWO venti pumpkin spice drinks for the price of one ! Surely I was born under a lucky star .
For certain, the free drink must have contained no calories as it was a miracle : )
And to top this wonderful day off, I was thinking Chinese food sounds good tonight for our Friday night "date night", and as soon as that was my thought, the phone rang. It was Emery and he said, "how about Chinese food tonight ? " Could this day be any better !!!!
My son brought one home for me this week and I do think an obsession was born!
Sooo good.
We all need a little treat in our lives, tempered with balance and well thought out spending too.
The sweetest dresses....