Discovery for me is like the notes on a wind chime

Discovery for me is like the notes played on a wind chime. Each day I think I have it all figured out, and then I don't. Often times I wonder with honesty, that what I say my beliefs are, is motivated more by some loyalty to the teachings of my youth as opposed to what I really believe. It is a fact, a plain and simple fact that there are folks in the world that are so motivated by fear of hell and condemnation that they refuse to even question what they have been taught. It can be a crippling kind of fear. For me, there is not that deep fear, but some if I am honest and there is a hesitancy to put away the things I no longer believe in, as if they are the very thing that keeps me connected to certain folks in the world. A common thread of sorts, yet it soon can become words only. No matter how hard I try to believe in the teachings of my youth, it causes a struggle, a tossing of directions, to and fro, like waves on the sea or the gentle bending and twisting of smoke in the afternoon sun. It is not a bad thing, it can be a good thing to not stay in one place especially if its not the right place for you to be in. Finding that right place often takes on the life of a see saw ride until one is sure and strong in conviction. We often take the opinion that maintaining one direction is the only way. However, that one way may just be the wrong way for us and better we go back and forth and check the trail a few times, making sure which is the right way for us, than going for years on the trail that is not meant to be our own personal journey. For now, I will enjoy the journey of discovery, no matter how many twists and turns it holds for me. I am not stationary. I am on a journey and going backwards at times may be a bit of comfort, but it is not my destination.


Well said - I too am on a similar journey - keeping what works for me - releasing what does not - and discovering new and helpful things along the way. Each day can be an adventure in learning and living, a simple life helps us to hear better, I think.
novascotiagal said…
Fear can be paralyzing. What if I got it wrong? Am I OK or going to hell? If God were that picky, it would have been spelled out exactly, by Jesus. Instead, he generalized the laws (love God, be kind to each other) and said God is our loving Father. What loving father is so capricious as to make the rules so fuzzy you are forever in fear of failure? Loving fathers don't condemn you to everlasting oblivion for getting the details wrong when you were trying to guess at them... (Ha Ha! guessed wrong! Shoulda had a higher neckline!)

I believe God is more loving and generous than that. So, no fear of hell for me, just the challenge of putting that love into action everyday. That is challenge enough!
Patty said…
Oh I so agree NovaScotiagal, the fear of hell is often preached just so people can be put in the churches pocket to do as they will. Its far more difficult to be a really good person than it is to spout off doctrine
Linda said…
This is such a good post. You write so well. It is so hard to distinguish what is right for us that may oppose the teachings we've so respected from our childhood.

I love my childhood training, it just wasn't adequate as I reached adulthood. I've had to make changes, and continue to make changes.
Dawn said…
What faith were you raised in Patty growing up?

I was raised Catholic. Far cry from where I am :-)

"It is a fact, a plain and simple fact that there are folks in the world that are so motivated by fear of hell and condemnation that they refuse to even question what they have been taught. It can be a crippling kind of fear."

Wouldn't that be labeled a cult?

I hope you are doing well! I can't believe this week is almost over!

You and Emery take care. God Bless!

Patty said…
Hi Dawn, even in the plain church there can be a profound fear of condemnation and hell. Salvation is dependant on behavior so you constantly question if you have a pure heart, thoughts etc.
I am jewish by birth, but went to a SDA school. I spent more time in Lubavitch Chabad then we I did in the mennonite church. hell is not a concern for Jews.
Amish and Mennonite do not chose education above 8th grade in part due to the fear that higher education will lead to questioning. Have you read the works of Menno Simmons yet ?

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