Counting My Blessings
Its easy for me to get into the mindset at such times to do some bargaining with God, you know, the " if you will just take care of Mei-Ling God, then I will be good for ever and ever" sort of conversation. I have had plenty of those in my 54 years of life, well actually only a few but those kinds of conversations come about in the worst of times and just a couple of those can seem like plenty of them. I suspect God looks on these conversations just the same way as Emery and I looked on as our children pleaded and begged for something when they were small children, promising to keep their room clean for the rest of their lives type of thing. They were always viewed with a tender smile. Not a laugh or any mocking from us, we understood.
So right now, instead of staying where I am mood wise, I am going to count my blessings, one by one. For there is always so much to be grateful for, if we take the time to look.
For hope and faith that there is something greater than ourselves to help us deal with the impossible.
For love, oh what would life be without love
For holding hands and hugs
For children and grandchildren
For sisters
For the beauty of nature that inspires, lifts us up and makes us see beyond ourselves
For cool weather
For tiny arms that reach up to me
For crisp fall apples
For the smell of fresh hay in the barn
For wool socks and flannel shirts
For freedom to choose and the privilege of voting
For our comfortable home and being able to live out our dreams
For being aware that there is always more to learn
For a deep sense of joy, not the jump up and down kind, but the inner peace kind of joy.
For coffee and croissants
For the sound of laughter
For the prayers and good thoughts of othersFor music
For compassion
and so much more