When Will We Understand ?

Melissa sent me the link http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20612862/ for this article about artificial coloring with her own comment, "you guys knew this when Melanie was little..." yeah we did, we have known for 29 years or more that coloring is the very stuff that makes children and adults hyper. It didn't take costly government studies to show us that either. I just plain figured it out by life experience. Recently I saw the results of a study that proved, overweight people consume too many calories ! That was a big surprise, right ? Hardly !
Last night I saw that butter flavoring in microwave popcorn http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/06/AR2007050601089.html is causing lung disease. It seems each week we hear something new about a problem with the chemicals we ingest or in some form of use. It was only a short while ago I posted about the hazards posed by the plastics used in baby bottles. Might it just be better not to fool with mother nature as they say ?
Just read this little bit about Benzophenone
"There are some troubling facts about benzophenone, a substance found in many sunscreens. The first relates to skin irritation and allergies. Generally, it is rare for people to have bad reactions to sunscreens, especially because PABA, a substance that used to be ubiquitous in sunscreens and that causes skin irritation and allergies in some users, has become increasingly rare. With PABA complaints on the decline, other substances are getting attention. Benzophenone is one of them. Those who get a rash after using sunscreen may be reacting to this compound.
Less well researched but perhaps more important, benzophenone-3 appears to mimic the hormone estrogen. In one study, estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells in test tubes multiplied when they were exposed to benzophenone-3, indicating that the substance was acting like estrogen. While research on this subject is preliminary, results suggest that benzophenone-3 has the potential to disrupt the endocrine system of people who use it. The estrogen-like qualities of benzophenone are of particular concern in light of studies showing that, to a greater extent than other sunscreen ingredients, benzophenone is readily absorbed by the skin."
"There are some troubling facts about benzophenone, a substance found in many sunscreens. The first relates to skin irritation and allergies. Generally, it is rare for people to have bad reactions to sunscreens, especially because PABA, a substance that used to be ubiquitous in sunscreens and that causes skin irritation and allergies in some users, has become increasingly rare. With PABA complaints on the decline, other substances are getting attention. Benzophenone is one of them. Those who get a rash after using sunscreen may be reacting to this compound.
Less well researched but perhaps more important, benzophenone-3 appears to mimic the hormone estrogen. In one study, estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells in test tubes multiplied when they were exposed to benzophenone-3, indicating that the substance was acting like estrogen. While research on this subject is preliminary, results suggest that benzophenone-3 has the potential to disrupt the endocrine system of people who use it. The estrogen-like qualities of benzophenone are of particular concern in light of studies showing that, to a greater extent than other sunscreen ingredients, benzophenone is readily absorbed by the skin."
The super absorbent materials in disposable diapers and feminine hygiene products is enough to make anyone run to cotton diapers and alternatives for women's products. http://www.mothering.com/articles/new_baby/diapers/politics.html But, I knew this 30 years ago too, and its not that I am a genius, its that I can see that most manufacturers are making products for convenience with little regard for their effect on people and the environment. Its about the almighty dollar. Just look at all the lead paint being used in toys made in China so that the cost is less to the company selling them. They push to see what they can get away with. And we support their arrogant greedy hands by purchasing their products for the convenience of them. When will we understand that we are hurting ourselves, our children and the land ? The cancer rates in this country astound me, along with so many health issues that we have become complacent about. Way back in the late 1960's and early 1970's some people were talking about living more natural, but the market (the masses) demanded different. We buy this junk, we buy the very things that make us sick and then complain about our health. When will we understand cause and effect. We need to stop sticking our heads in the sand to avoid reality.
In time there will be a book. Its been in the works for a long time, just in the pregnacy stage of it : )