We Spend Much of Our Lives
I am speaking about myself in this statement. Like most folks, I worry about what people think, what they expect me to be like. There are few places we feel safe or confident to be our true selves. Oh sure there are some folks out there who will plainly tell you, " I don't care what people think", but most often that in itself is a smoke screen. When push comes to shove, they really do care, but don't want anyone to see them as vulnerable.
One of the major reasons people spend most of their lives behaving like what they think is the accepted behavior, is that others judge so harshly anyone that doesn't fit their standard of behavior. The major problem with that is that not everyone is meant to be a like and if I remember correctly, judging isn't an earthly job, outside of the court system.
Just something to think about. We need to grow confident in being real, to learn to feel safe in sharing who you really are.
I further say on my other blog, that it is a place where I feel o.k. to say what I really want to. No real following to that blog. Its more of the real me. Very open with not knowing, of being unsure of what turn to take in the road of life.
I am not living a moment with blogging in mind with this blog, or so it seems. On my other blog, I don't feel like I need to be something consistently. Its not that this blog is not the real me, its just its more guarded, more aware of expectations. I say of my other blog, This blog is freeing, moody at times and flexible. Not having any one philosophy or dogma set in stone. But rather, like the oceans waves. Changing form and intensity, yet still made of the same elements.
It might do us all well to spend less of our time living under shadows of expectations.
I keep thinking how wonderful it is that blogging came into being after my children were grown. If they were small I suspect their lives would be staged at times for blogging moments. Activities designed with the blog in mind. I suspect they would have grown up to resent the time I spent blogging. I would have given myself one more level of expectation, to be super mom, super housewife, super cook etc.
I rather like this stage in life for blogging. I can be less and like it.
I think we all put on a good face for people, so they will think that we are nice, and they will like us...
We want everyone to LIKE us