Saturday News On Mei-Ling

Another day or so in ICU, she will not be coming home today or tomorrow. They are waiting until they put in a more durable tube from her kidney. She was all full of smiles today but still uncomfortable and trying to roll over and get off her back. She keeps pulling the wires to the monitors off, as if to say, "I have had enough of all this". She doesn't fuss, just hangs in there like a real fighter. Been taking her bottle well and looks at all of us as if to say, "why won't you pick me up ?"


Marci said…
She is quite the little trooper. Bless her heart. I love it that she is still smiling at ya!!
2 LMZ FARMS said…
So glad that it is over and prayful that things continue to go well. Will keep you and yours in our prayers. Hope you and yours have a blessed weekend.
La Tea Dah said…
I'll continue to pray for the little sweetie. She looks content, although is probably not sure what all is happening to her. I hope she isn't in too much pain.
Mimi said…
its wonderful how God can make the little ones seem to lie still and let the medical team do what is necessary for them when they are so very sick...
yet they can smile at those who love them to give them hope. I am praying for little Mei Ling (and for her doctors)
Robin J. said…
I'll keep praying ...

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