The New Texas Gold Rush

Pipelines of the Burnett Shale
I have a sign that says, STOP URBAN DRILLING. I get sick feeling when I see another big gas well going in and I literally moan at night when I see the black sky that meets the horizon dotted with the many lighted rig towers. I know we need oil and gas but I wish we were looking for more ways to live without it. I wish we were not so fossil fuel greedy. But in saying all this, I must admit to being more than a bit happy when a drilling company knocked on our door this week asking if we had the mineral rights to our land and the land under Melanie and Casi's house. In a flash of a second, I saw us as the new Clampet family, the Beverly Hillbillies ! Thoughts of The Secret ran through my brain, I have been thinking positive about having more money to do more for my family and prepare for our retirement. But, from a gas lease ? That was not what I was thinking. They will be drilling down about 8,000 ft under our land, a horizontal drill, no rig on our land, just sucking up the gas under it. All our neighbors have signed. The drilling company had a big fat check in hand to offer us as a sign on bonus. We chose to wait and do some research but I know we will sign. Funny how different we feel about things sometimes and can jusitfy certain actions when money is dangled in front of us. "No impact on our land, everyone else is doing it, we will never know a thing is going on, unless the earth collapses from this new area of emptiness". Just joking about the earth falling in on itself (at least I hope its not possible) but one does wonder about all these places being emptied under the earths skin.
Part of me is thrilled to have this blessing of financial increase but part of me feels like we sold out to greed. In reality, the gas under us would be sucked out one way or another, we chose to get paid for it, rather than let our neighbors get more of it. If there was something I could do to do to stop all this crazy fossil fuel hunger in this nation, I would try. I wish we would build towns with care and planning so that people could walk to the stores they need instead of drive. I wish there was public transportation for everyone. I wish there were bakeries, butchers, pharmacies, hardware stores, dairy stores, fabric shops and all manner of small stores with fair prices for everyone to shop at within a mile of peoples homes, rather than super stores miles away.
We have not reached any level of desperation that drives folks to rethink the way things are done. The majority of the population has not reached any level of thinking where conveniences don't play a more important role in our lives than the higher road of "living green". Lots of talk out there, but only when its not a big deal to the way we live. Maybe a few bottles of earth friendly cleaning needs have replaced the old cleaning chemicals under your sink, but most of us still drive too much, keep the house too cool or too warm. Not many of us would shop small stores locally because they cost a bit more, when a big cheap super store is 20 miles away.
Hanging clothes rather than use a clothes dryer. Quaint but not convenient in winter or in the heat of summer so put them in the dryer and burn that fossil fuel. But you say, "our dryer is electric, not gas" the fact is that most electricity in the US, about 70%, is generated using fossil fuels, especially coal. Dishwashers use lots of electricity if you use the drying aspect of them, get an energy efficient one if you have to have one. gives an idea of how much electricity we use in our homes. This site has some great information on running a low energy home
We sort of feel like we had very little choice in the drilling under our land. If the people on all sides of you are doing it, and its pooled, you know that you might as well get paid for what is going to be sucked up anyway. This is a tough one for me. But I have to admit the idea of extra money is kinda hard to pass on. I have always said I wouldn't let a well be put on land I owned, but when posed with the question...."what if it gave you 3 million dollars ?" I guess that is a question I am glad I don't have to deal with.


Mimi said…
yes I'm afraid that money does talk...
but sometimes God sends people to us to meet a definite need... and perhaps this was one of those times...
so don't feel bad about taking the money that someone is offering for something that they need...
Andrea Maddiex said…
Funny your mentioning the driving thing. You have NO IDEA how many times I have been kidded about the fact that I have never learned to drive. I have been married 20 yrs. (since I turned 17), and I have 4 kids. I have always hoofed it where I needed to go. And no, the stores are not close by. I take the kids, assign walking buddies, and take a stroller to put stuff in and we walk it. If things are very far we have an errand day on one of hubby's days off. This has helped living frugally since gas has gone up. I have always wanted to teach my kiddies that they should be careful about waste in all things. But, I know what you mean. I have a sister in law who freely admits she drives down her driveway to her mail box.
Patty said…
Hi Andrea,
When I was growing up, lots of ladies in my mothers generation didn't drive, you could walk places and then have your husband take you shopping when you needed to go. I wish we had some real stores within walking distance from us.
Patty said…
Hi Mimi, thanks...I do feel bad because in a way it represents a moral issue for me. I think we should be less in need of fossil fuel, less dependant. And in a way, I am just helping the supply to the energy addicts of the world
Anonymous said…
Australia is in drought and most of the country is on some sort of water restrictions. At one point we were only allowed 4-minute showers and some places were only allowed 140 litres of water per person per day. I wonder how we would go if we were told "there's no more gas or coal" and HAD to reduce cars, electricity, home conveniences etc. Interesting dilemma.

We are lucky that we live within walking distance of most things but I do confess to using the car most of the time. I should be walking!
anita said…
count it as a blessing and use the money wisely.
Christine said…
At least you have the right to choose. Here in Canada, no person owns mineral rights to their land. The government owns all mineral rights. If the government decides there is reason to drill for something on your land, they go ahead and do it. Sure they pay a nominal "rental" fee for the space they're taking up but it's not much and you have no choice in the matter.
Kris said…
I have given you an award if you wish to claim it! Go to


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