Children and Grandchildren
I am so blessed to have my two grand-babies so close at hand. We get to see them so often.
I feel so rewarded, yes rewarded is the word I want to use, (it is a reward after the hard and consistent work of raising them)... to have our children really like us, enjoy our company, want to do things with us, along with loving and respecting us. Melanie and Casi want us to live with them when we are old and Steven and Priscilla say they are building us a "Dawdy Haus" so we can live there.
Melissa just knows we are the independent kind and figures we will be hiking some great trails that take years, when we are in our old age. Actually we plan on staying fit and healthy till we die so no one may get to have us live with them. Many children love their parents but don't like them and the same goes for how some parents feel about their children. It's wonderful to have your children love you and like you with that kind of care in mind for you. We are blessed to be able to say we enjoy our children and respect who they are. They are good people. There has never been a time in their lives when we have not been close, oh maybe there have been a few days when they were teens when we were not their favorite people, but there has never been a time when we couldn't sit and talk and laugh about life. And even now, we are the place they come when life is difficult.
We always offer to pray with them, give them a hug with a kiss and all the time to talk that they need. Parenting is not a job that is finished when they reach a certain age.
And I pray Grandparenting will be just an extension of this kind of love.
our grandkids are so very special...
and my daughters and my husband are my best friends!!!
Grandbabies are such a special part of life!