It's 1 am

The mockingbird still sang, as if he has no idea its the wee hours of the morning and even more, that it was raining. He stopped for a bit and only the sound of a distant truck on the closest road made a sound.
The wind blew again, as if it wanted to play with the leaves of the oak tree and turn them around and upside down. The night seems strange to me . The sounds unusual, the smells not ordinary. It almost smells like electrical heat outside. The phone call I had with Melanie earlier runs through my mind. She saw a huge bolt of lightening, red, bright red, come straight down from the sky and hit the ground. She said it was the same color red as the lights on the high towers off in the distance. It made her feel uneasy to see such bright red lightening.
Maybe that is what has me thinking the night is a strange one. I now hear distant thunder and the rain is more steady and easy to distinguish from the sound of the wind blowing the leaves. Doors are shutting in the house, caught by the winds increased force. Curtains blowing nearly horizontally. The sure signs of a storm coming. Maybe I can hop into bed quickly and fall asleep fast, before the storm hits . Then I will not be afraid. Storms scare me. Have since a small child.
The wind seems strange still, as if it carries with it some uncertainty.
the photo.... after a storm, the dry creek bed has water running in it, slowly.