Fort Worth Japanese Garden

As we stood in line to pay the enterance fee for the Japanese Garden we could not help but hear the people in front of us complain. They were practically yelling their conversation about how Texas is just a state of rip offs, why... because it cost a whole 50 cents more to enter the garden on the weekend.
They complained among themselves for about 5 minutes. I felt sorry for them. Wondered about the attitude they had set for themselves just before entering something as beautiful as the Japanese Garden. I suspect they were all speaking so loud so everyone in a half mile range could hear their complaint. It made me think about the book, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" In a years time will they remember the extra 50 cents they paid per person to enter the garden ?
Despite this first moment of forced listening, we had a wonderful time seeing the scerenity of the landscaping. Each direction another view that calmed you. I mentioned to Emery that since we no longer have animals, we should turn our land into a Japanese Garden. This comment met with silence. Somehow I think it may have been a rather impractical suggestion on my part : )
We tried Bamboo once in the yard and it nearly took over in one season and popped up everywhere. Emery spent a weekend digging it all up. So he is not willing to plant it again, unless its in a large container.
We walked and walked and walked all over the garden, discovering its many hidden treasures. I fed the Koi and sat in silence near a shrine. I watched children play and watched parents proudly poise little ones in delightful settings.
The garden was packed with people for Mothers day which left few moments of silent contemplation but that can wait for another visiit.
I wanted to upload more pictures but blogger didn't seem to want me to right now. This was about the 6th attempt. Will add more later