The Door Bell

Our screen door has a little shop keepers type bell on it. We don't have a regular door bell, just this little thing on the screen door. This little bell can be heard anywhere in the house. As soon as someone opens the door just a tiny bit the bell rings. Its such a fun familiar sound to all of us, we know when it sounds, that someone is coming in.
My egg customers know to open the door, the bell rings and they know I will be right there. Most shout out their name to let me know who it is.
Its a rare day indeed here if we have no guests stop by. Might be one of Melanie's friends or one of ours or just someone wanting eggs. I love that people stop by all the time. No one needs to call first. The house is always tidy enough that I don't need to panic at the sound of someone pulling in the driveway. There is always a cup of tea ready to be made.
This little bell has been such a good investment. Its the signal that someone has opened the door to visit or come home.
We got our bell from Lehmans. They are a non electric store serving the Amish. here is the link...