Garden Goodness

Its 11:30 am and I just came in from the garden. Saw the onions all on their sides so decided it was time to pull them. Some big and some still small, no matter all can be used. They smelled so good pulling them up, as if the whole yard was some giant cooking pot.
The gladiolas are in bloom around the garden, showy pinks standing tall. Zucchini growing fast. Soon the eggplant and tomatoes will be catching up, meaning big pots of Ratatouille will be simmering on the stove.
Tiny pears on the pear tree, wonder if they will grow big and juicy this year. Last year the fruit trees did just awful in the drought.
My lettuce is doing wonderful...we really have to pick the leaves off before it starts bolting.
Zuchini is coming along well. The late seeded eggplants don't seem to have germinated, but we're still hoping.
Some of the green peas have started to die off. We did pick a few of them, and tried to cook them...but they didn't look or taste like I thought they would.
Isn't having a garden great fun