A Ying and Yang of Sorts
On my morning walk I came across these two cotton- wood leaves, just as they are in the photo. No positioning them from me. It was the way they fell naturally or the wind helped a bit.
It amazed me how ying and yang they look. I wondered if I had moved one just a bit, if they would have nested in the tight fit of the typical ying and yang.
The colors fit also, one dark, one light.
It convinces me that there is nothing new under the sun. What things we have, long ago were inspired by nature. As I was working on my tie dye quilt and had such fun with the free form spirals, it made me think of all the ancient spirals found in places. Some from Newgrange and places like that. If you go to http://www.knowth.com/quilt.htm you can see a picture of a Newgrange quilt that is amazing. Complete with spirals like mine. Nothing new under the sun. Inspiration comes from the things around us and many of us see the same things. I thought my spirals were my brain child until I saw Bonnie's done on a quilt she was doing for someone, then I saw this one, that looked more like mine. How can that be ???? Oh yes, nothing new under the sun !
I thought about my two leaves this morning and of my picture on my other blog that shows the shaded colors of the earth. Good inspiration for quilt making.
I hope you have a great day...Hugs Tina