Thoughts on a Glorious Day and The Hippy Quilt is Done

There are many mornings, actually most mornings, when I wake up feeling so thrilled to be alive that I cannot wait to get started with my chores. It's an excited feeling about life in general.
Some of you are saying, "well yeah she gets to stay home and play all day" which is just about true. When I was little I played dolls seriously. They were cared for better than some real babies when I was home with them. I changed diapers every two hours, fed them every 4 hours, now of course this was after school and when Ricky down the street was not wanting to play dinosaurs with me. From the time I was old enough to hold a real baby, all I thought about was having my own family and home to care for. I had a wonderful example of a mother who made mothering an art.
So when it was time to get married, the requirement was that if we had children, I stay home ! Otherwise we don't get married. Pretty plain and simple. It was that important to me. If it wasn't to him, then he wasn't the man for me.
Well Emery thought that was just fine. He liked the idea of having me home to care for the home, cook his meals and greet him each day free of stress and with a kiss just for him. That Seals and Croft " Summer Breeze" life.
It hasn't always easy. We had no money for the first few years of our marriage. Paid the bills and had nothing much left. My mother would often drop by with a couple bags of food. She always said, " this stuff was all on sale. Buy one get one Free " Right ! She was so kind. I miss her.
Even now, staying home means we live on less than $30,000 a year. We drive ONE old car, have a little old house, now we love our house dearly but it isn't grand by any means. And you should have seen it when we bought it ! I would love hardwood floors but we can't afford it so they are stained plywood. Looks good but not fancy. That kind of thing is what you learn to settle for when you have one income. Will it matter in the history of our family that we had plywood floors ? Of course not.
With saying all that, I can bet some of you that wish you could stay home and wander rose gardens in the morning or grow your own veggies, could do it. Its taking a giant leap of faith and living simply. No restaurants that cost more than $5 a person. No fancy clothes, thrift stores etc but if simple living with out all the stress is what you want. Its worth the sacrifice. My quilts are often made with $1 a yard fabric. I love making them just as much as if it was $9 a yard. The quilt may not last into the next century but it will give pleasure to the ones snuggled under it now.
Emery worked overtime and gave up his Saturdays for my new sewing machine. Makes me love it more, it was bought with hard work and tied with a bow of love.
Took 27 years for me to have a sewing machine that was over $100. Had to wait till the children were grown. I didn't mind the wait.
I am not being insensitive here and realize some ladies just have to work even if they would rather not. And then there are some women who just like working outside the home more than just being home. That's fine with me too.

This morning as I was playing in the mud, under the excuse of watering the vegetables and weeding while the ground was soaking wet, I thought about how anxious I was to start my day. Didn't even want to take time to shower, but I did : )
When I was in the garden, hawks flew over and I had time to just stand and watch them dip and soar with the wind. A biplane went overhead and I watched it fly by and wondered about the planes history. Kites, a couple, the birds not the toy, flew over me for the longest time. They are frequent visitors to our air space. Arial ballet above me. So much to see and experience in a day.
I am fulfilled. Don't need a title, an office, a big car, big house, just a simple day spent in my garden with someone calling me "his treasure" and some great children calling me "mom".


Laura said…
I was fortunate to spend 5 years at home when the kids were young. I call them the best years of my life. We lived simply but it was worth it and I would gladly do it all over again. Now is my time to work and help put the kids through college, when this is done I will be back home living the simple life again!
Patty said…
We were so poor money wise the children all got good financial aid and college was free for them for the first two years and nearly free after that. Melissa took out a small student loan but worked full time in the computer lab to help cover her expenses. We paid car insurance, her food, and her gas until she graduated. Melanie stayed living at home while in college.
It was always tight budgeting !
I bet you are looking forward to simple life again.
Leah Spencer said…
What a beautiful quilt! You do such quick work sometimes!

I agree that being able to stay at home is worth it, no matter how tight you must pinch sometimes. My husband too makes a little less than $30k (before taxes!), but it has been so worth it! Right now my life is better than ever.

And yes, we drive older cars. We're saving up for a house downpayment and I won't mind having plywood floors either - my grandparents do! :)
Alena said…
the quilt turned out beautiful, Patty!!! What a hippie piece of art... Lovely!
Anonymous said…
The quilt turned out just great - love that pink binding! I like staying home - I love hearing the children coming up the stairs from school anticipating what goodies I've made for them that day LOL (pancakes or waffles are their favourite). We also struggle on one small wage, but we don't care. huge houses with lovely things inside and shiny cars won't make one scrap of difference in the next life :-)
Granny said…
Patty: I'm with you. I love my stress free life! Staying home and playing in the flower/veggie garden, quilting and cooking are just what I was meant to do!

I have no doubt your plywood floors are great and it's the atmosphere created by the loving family that matters -- not what's on the floor!

And, your quilt is fantastic!!

Judy L.

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