A Rushed World

On my way into town today, well actually its after midnight, which makes it yesterday. Anyway, after I pulled out of my driveway, there was a truck behind me. It rode my bumper. I was going the speed limit, but this person seemed so rushed. Looking in my rear view mirror, it was easy to see the woman behind the wheel. 65 years old I would guess. Her jaw set. She was in some sort of rush it would seem. Or maybe that was just the way she lived her life. Always rushing. At the corner she felt I had opportunity to pull out and let me know that by beeping her horn. I sort of laughed, thinking she didn't know how slow my car pulled out of intersections. Sluggish transmission sort of makes the car have its own pace. And besides what is all the rush about ? Didn't appear she had an emergency, just impatient. I waved a cheery hello back at her and pulled out when I knew it was safe for me to do so. All afternoon this woman came to mind. I felt bad for her. Pitied her. Even if I had gone a bit over the speed limit and made her happy, and even if I pulled out of the intersection when she felt I should, what would it have saved her ? Maybe 5 seconds.
What is the rush all about ? Where are we heading so fast and what for ? Are we trying to cram so much into our day that it makes us anxious and hurried ? How can anything possibly be worth making us like that. Time having control of our heart and emotions !Everyone talks about needing to slow down and how they are too stressed, but then everything they do is at break neck speed. We speed dial. We have to have DSL. We have to have speed check outs at the store. Why ? Is it a sign maybe that we are just not enjoying the moment ? Maybe we schedule way more than what we honestly need.
This woman behind me today. She was angry at me for driving slower than she wanted to go. Being angry makes us look ugly. She had a most unpleasant expression. Being angry raises blood pressure, makes us irritable and we react differently to simple things when we are angry. And to think all that was for her hoping to get someplace 5 seconds faster. Kind of worthless actions when you think it out.
We can change how we react and how we look at things like long lines, red lights, traffic and such. We can use the extra time to pray for someone, or to meditate. We can remember good things, or plan a surprise for someone while we wait. We can think of someone to thank for something good they did. We can speak kindly to someone near us in the long line, or look out the window of the car to see the sky. So many people want a simpler life, a quieter life, yet they do not take the steps to live such a life.
It is the baby steps in daily life that get us to the place where simplicity is in all the aspects of our life.
Lets all slow down and seek to be patient.

Sparkling water trickling down the rocks
A path that is inviting , no traffic
Emery on a quiet path. The sunlight filtering through the trees. No one rushing him and he is in no rush. Like his life.

Gratitude's of the day:
Fabric sales
cool evening air
freedom to think
floors that can be swept
no need to rush
My Tibetan monks bag

A Mocking bird who does not know its midnight and is singing outside my window


Melzie said…
Sigh, I love your blog. Its so peaceful here :) We complicate our lives ourselves, God never intended us to be that way. I long for boring! Thanks for your blog entries :) xoxo melzie
ForestJane said…
Re: the angry tailgater, I think it's funny when they glare at you and stomp the gas,then pass you, but you catch up to them at the next light. I've been known to smile and wave. :)
Susan H. said…
Patty, I have been visiting your blog for a while through a link on my sister's blog site. I find such peace in your writing. I live that fast paced life, making a living for my family. How I would love to be able to slow down and appreciate the beauty in the world around us. I am slowly learning to take time for myself, doing things that bring me pleasure. I actually rushed away from work last week to get home to watch a flower bloom. Keep on writing and sharing your beautiful life.
Patty said…
Thanks Susan and Melzie. Its those types of comments that keep me writing !
Anonymous said…
I had a similar experience today. Instead of getting angry at them myself, I let them pass and concentrated on having a good posture, my chin up, back straight and shoulders relaxed and a smile on my face. What would normally have irritated me, passed right on by :-)
Patty said…
Good girl Sandra ! The victory was all yours.
We can change the way we react to situations and in doing so find that peace that cannot be taken from us.

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