New Growth

All of us, no matter our age, must continue to grow. If we stop seeking to grow, we become stagnant and I suspect loose the vision of our purpose on this earth. We stop reaching upward, reaching for the very thing that gives substance to our vision of why we are here.
Today I needed a bit of a kick in the seat of the pants as the expression goes. I spent a good part of yesterday feeling bad for myself, feeling a bit self absorbed. I wanted things my way, for me, about me. A silly matter really....nothing earth shattering, just to go to the gym more often instead of being home for everyone, whenever they need me. Then I thought about something... in one word, others ! Sure we all need time for regeneration, time alone perhaps to think, to meditate and pray, but I was wanting more than that. Hard to explain I think in the right tone of how I was feeling. Even when all the children were home, and the house was bustling with busy-ness. School at the kitchen table, farm chores, 4-H complete with Goat shows, cooking from scratch, the gardening, the putting food by, the sewing, the laundry and cleaning, I always found the time to pray, to reconnect with God. Those moments are found if you really want them. Many times I prayed in the bathroom ! It was the only place that could be guaranteed alone time : ) But what I was wanting yesterday resulted in NOT taking that time with God and recharging my batteries so that there was strength enough to carry on when it was my hands that needed to sooth and my my hands that needed to cook meals for those in need and it was my hands that needed to hug a weary friend. Because I neglected an area that one can always find time for, I then felt used up. Not easy to admit perhaps but truth. I was not growing....there was no new growth and soon the old growth gets used up and the well becomes dry. The fruit is gone, picked already. The need to drink at the living well is how we can ensure there is new growth.


I really appreciated what you shared today--a much needed reminder to "deny myself" and to "Seek first the kingdom of God".
Thank you so much!
Blessings to You! Claudia O.

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