Just Thinking

Last night, sitting on the sofa, I had a thought, one of those "light bulb moments" as Oprah calls them. I was waiting for Emery to come back in the room and thinking about how wonderful it is that he takes such good care of himself and listens to all my recommendations for his health. I have been practicing herbal medicine for as long as we have been married and right from the start, probably after our first date, I had the man eating healthy, off a medication he really didn't need and taught him all about chemicals in food. He was a willing listener but more than that, he was a doer and still is, especially when its regarding his health. Now by contrast, my son is not yet 23 and has super high blood pressure. I have told him how to take care of it, what to do and even told his wife how to change his diet etc. They go out to eat all the time, and that is not an exaggeration at all. Sometimes three times in one day ! Restaurant food is packed with salt, chemical laden and certainly richer than someone with high blood pressure needs. He lives a typical fast paced life, worried about appearances, spending every penny he earns, no money for emergencies, which amounts to stress. I am not tattling on him here, (he has had this lecture recently so its no surprise to him how I feel) but I am making a point which will indeed end up with a finger pointing at myself...so bear with me. My son is over weight and has gotten to the point where he is in the shape of an old man in my mind. His entire life style is the one I write about NOT wanting to live because of the way it causes stress. When Emery and I first married, I knew he needed to eat differently so I cooked, made certain I was going to help him stick around this old world for as long as possible. I read everything I could on high blood pressure and in no time at all, his blood pressure was on the low side and has been now for 29 years. Emery was willing to change for all the right reasons. I admire him so much for that.
I work on the emotional end of things and he is so disciplined that he can work on the physical end of it, which is harder for me. I can meditate and live simply but, can't seem to stick with portion control or passing up a goodie !
O.K. now to the pointing a finger at myself....I was thinking how wonderful it was to have a husband that did what he needed to to be healthy. What love for me he shows by listening to what I suggest for his health... but then I had the light bulb moment....I don't listen to myself, to what I know about health for me...I don't have high blood pressure but did...I am overweight and that is something that is simply not healthy. Don't I love my family enough to make the changes instead of slacking off and deciding that my "wants" regarding food take first place above NEEDS with food ? Wow...what I love and admire with Emery is so far from where I am with myself. I am selfish and am not thinking about my family or myself. What I shake my head at with my son and worry myself over is exactly what I am doing myself, to an extent. I don't have high blood pressure but I am a ticking time bomb waiting for some health issue to pop up with my weight as it is. I do know that when my blood pressure was high for a while due to stress, I changed things but have fallen back into bad habits again.
So in reality, I am acting very self centered, wanting things that are not good for me more than wanting to be healthy. Painful to admit to, but maybe its the place to start from, to change. Like Doctor Phil says, "you can't change what you don't acknowledge" Well, maybe now I will change.
I have after all just acknowledged I need to get better at sticking to a life style change eating wise.
Sometimes the old saying, "can't see the forest for the trees" is so true.


Lib said…
I think from time to time we all have things where we need light bulb moments.
I would love to hear how you got your b.p. down and about your healthy eating plans. I think it could help alot of us out here who needs to change our eating habits but need a bit more encouragement.
Sunny said…
Self-insight is great and I so agree with the spirit of this post because, c'mon, most of us know we could do better. You, however, already live pretty healthfully and should not be too over-hard on yourself. And, no fair comparing yourself to Emery. Genetics mayh play a role there. I do recall that in Em's younger days he required 3000 calories a day just to maintain weight. His metabolism probably hasn't changed that much over the years, what with having a job that is fairly physical. So, he doesn't exactly have to worry overmuch with portion control.
La Tea Dah said…
Yes, those light bulb moments. I had mine in May --- and am still working on it. I've lost 30 lbs. since then and have worked hard on a committed exercise program and relaxation --- but it's so very easy to fall back! I'm at a plateau moment --- and much focus right now is on staying 'on track'. What energy that takes!

Success to you in your 'right weight' and 'wellness' journey.

Hi Patty, I have a question about your son. Doesn't his religion conflict with his concern about appearances? I mean, how can one dress simply but not live simply?
Patty said…
Hi Alicia,
Even some Amish and Mennonites have fallen into the keep up with the jones' mentality and like I have said over and over on my blog, dressing simply is ever so much easier than having a heart after the simple things in life. Same is said for the spiritual aspects of life, its so much easier to look the part than have your heart right
Patty said…
Hi Sunny, you are so sweet. You know Mr Emery now sits at a desk 99% of the day, cushy job, so he has to eat LOTS less than in the NEMH days : )
It's funny, but I've been reading your blog for awhile now and only after reading your response did your points really "click." I really enjoy your writing- it certainly makes you stop and think.

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