Yesterday as Melanie and I did a bit of Christmas shopping, we looked at some pet supplies for the kittens. I saw a display of "baby" items for puppies. Little sleepers, pink and blue chew bottles, all sorts of pink and blue baby looking items for puppies. There were hats, tee shirts, fancy diapers, baby toys etc. The prices reflected that a lot of money is spent by people making babies out of their puppies. Let me state here, before I write one more word, I love animals. I think if you have pets you should care for them and love them, but I also know the difference between having an animal and having a child. After looking at the display yesterday, Melanie and I wondered if there are some folks that are a bit confused about the difference. There was even a welcome home basket filled with the animal version of what you would give to a new human baby. The stuff was not cheap either. Melanie and I talked all the way home about what we saw because when she had Mei-Ling there was a young couple that just had a baby, they were poor. Just starting out kind of poor. They had to take the baby home from the hospital with a hospital tee shirt on, and use the blankets from the hospital to wrap the baby in. Now, yes, some folks don't plan real well, but that isn't the babies fault ! I was thinking how nice it would be to make up "Bringing Baby Home" gift packs for low income parents. Fill it with things like a new blanket, a sleeper, a hat, maybe a pacifier, socks or booties, maybe a comb and brush. Things that we all take for granted maybe. When I saw the items for the puppies, it just didn't seem right that brand new babies, would start off life with so much less than some puppies that really don't need those things. They are animals and God blessed them with fur to keep them warm and protected. You can even purchase new puppy announcements that look like baby announcements. Pink or blue with a picture of the puppy and a paw print. So many babies in the world are going without food and the basics and yet we Americans spend a whopping $41 billion on their furry friends.According to there are even dog braces for crooked dog teeth, and yes, fake testicles to restore a pet to its natural appearance after being fixed. All the while some children in this country go home from the hospital with nothing special to mark their arrival into the world. Something seems wrong in that. We are told to care for one another, to show love to one another, yet some find it easier to spoil their pets than to take some baby things to the hospital for a new human. If you want to help newborns born into poverty or in need, contact your local hospital to see if there is a way for you to contribute baby things for newborns that have nothing to go home with and there is a great group that is for newborns in need, premature babies specifically, Don't forget to call your local hospital, county hospitals that serve the uninsured folks and poor folks, and see if you can help in some way. We ought to at least help out babies as much as we care for puppies. Newborns in need web site has a map of local chapters and has addresses of where to send donations and patterns for making little items for these babies in need.
photo is the logo from the Newborns in Need web site, click on the logo to get a better view of it and see what is written on it, the words are precious and also share an important message about caring for Gods precious ones
I was in awe at Childrens hospital when Mei-Ling has been there, the amount of donations of blankets, toys and clothing for the units is amazing. When she was in the NICU she had the cutest clothes to ware each day, all donated to the unit by parents etc, knowing its much better to see a sick baby dressed cute and not looking so "hospitalized". Melanie has passed on some of Mei-Lings things to the Unit in gratitude.
We wanted more children so we adopted, it has been a huge blessing.