Some Thoughts About BlogLand

This morning I was thinking about this whole new world of blogging. There are so many positive aspects to it. Meeting new people, becoming friends, learning from one another and expanding ones horizons far and wide, but there are also some puzzling aspects. Since its a cyber world and a place without personal contact as in facial expressions or having to really deal with people in the person, things can change to your likes and dislikes without any explanation needed. So different than the person to person world of friends and acquaintances.
If you are the person removed from another persons blog link, you can spend hours wondering why.
Does it mean they are tired of your blog ? Does it mean they just don't like your blog any more ? Does it mean they just don't want your link there from some philosophical differences ? You just haven't a clue.
It remains a mystery unless you are brave enough to ask !
Its almost like meeting a new friend, going to their house for coffee once or twice a week for several months, then suddenly they never ask you again !
You wonder why for the longest time.
I recently took a persons blog off my list simply because I never got around to reading it anymore. Did she notice ? Did she care ? In the beginning of this blog land life, I was a zealot. So many blogs of interest and then soon I found myself unable to keep up with them all on a daily basis. But if you don't visit them and comment on them, then they don't comment on yours and your ego is bruised by the lack of comments. Its some personal measure of blog popularity thing.
Then I thought about it and realized, we have once again set ourselves up to be graded within our own mind. What a strange lot we are. In the olden days it was things like, "how many doilies does she have?" or "is her laundry whiter than mine as it hangs on the line?" . Maybe even things like, who makes the best coffee or has the cleanest house. So many of those things mentioned don't even exist for most of the modern world. Doilies ? (well, I have plenty, more than Diana in Anne of Green Gables actually) Laundry being white on the line ? No one around me hangs clothes for me to measure against ! Coffee and clean house ? Not many ladies have other ladies over for coffee, everyone is working or busy doing something, oh maybe they are blogging !
So where is this all going...not sure, but it seems there may have to come a time when there is a book of etiquette just for BlogLand.
I am going to think before I remove any one from my link list. Thinking about it, it seems a bit insulting to do without any warning.
Oh one thing, KaiVegan, I took your link off cause it was the one stolen by that other person and honestly I just haven't gotten to that place called "template" for a while to put in your new link. So please don't take it personally at all that your link is off my list. It will be back in time.
From now on my link list will not grow smaller.

the picture is of my mom as a wee one @ 1922 or 1923
She was always a proper lady in all areas of her life. I do wonder what she would have thought about what is the proper way to manage such things as Blog links : )


Reviekat said…
My blog disappeared from your list several weeks ago but I thought it was because you were making room for others. I thought it was nice you to give everyone some 'advertising'. :)

Patty said…
Hi Revee, Yours will be back on the list, it was taken off mistakenly, sorry : )
uhoava gnu said…
Hi Patty!
After a long time I have the possibility to check your blog again. Melanie's wedding will beautiful! I love this kind of clothes, very pretty!
Nice to see also those cat pictures :) There's a cat visiting my new flat's front door here. They are just adorable!
ForestJane said…
I read often, but don't comment much. :)

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