Evening Salad

Having a goal of 10 more pounds off by the wedding has me eating with joy, the French way. Small portions, leisurely meal times, lots of good conversations and of course a small indulgence of a tiny piece of chocolate now and again.
Evening meal time finds me sipping a glass of wine, slowly and with great pleasure. Viva antioxidants !
Tonight with my salad I had a small piece of chicken breast, coated with olive oil and rubbed with tarragon, pepper and a dash of sea salt. It was so good and so satisfying yet the portion was actually more like a chicken tid bit. Enough to fill me and give me joy in the meal.
Life is so delightfully good.

Glasses of Perrier and wine, sparkling in the fading sun of the evening sky
A salad extraordinaire with a quarter of a baguette toasted and rubbed with fresh garlic


R. Aastrup said…
I've been wondering if that French diet works. I know when I was in France, I couldn't afford to eat, so that French diet really worked!!! A lovely salad like the one you pictured cost me $20 in a little outdoor cafe. That was the last time I had salad in France! Anyway, your results sound great. Maybe I'll try it.
Patty said…
Hi Rondi,
Read the book French Women Don't Get Fat, its a life changing book.
Here is her web site
R. Aastrup said…
Thanks! I will!

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