So Many Projects !

There seems to be a million things needing to be done right now. Last night I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning cutting out Melissa's outfit for the wedding. Not a simple pattern but it will be lovely. Even though I have a nice sewing table, when it comes to cutting out fabric for clothing, I still prefer the old standby dinning room table. Its big, easy to walk around and a good height for me. Later today I will work on the two flower girls outfits. They will be tiny versions of Melissa's outfit with a slight color variation. This morning found me with pen in hand addressing wedding invitations. The wedding is just a mere 8 weeks away so its time to get these things in the mail. Getting Melanie and Casimir to get all the addresses of their friends was like pulling teeth. In the midst of all this, Melanie is packing her things so she can move into the apartment and get things ready for it to be their first home. My living room is full of boxes and bags and constantly I am being asked, "mom do you need that or can I have it ?" Melanie told her dad, that its a good time to ask me that since I have been in a decluttering mood. Makes me more than generous.Emery told me today that he is ready to pull the wall down between the computer room and our bedroom, making our bedroom a huge room. I am thrilled he wants to get it done, but also a bit overwhelmed at the thought of another big project right now. Life is never dull around this place that is for sure !


jodie said…
The colours for Melissa's outfit are beautiful Patty, thanks for sharing them with us.

Everything happens at once! They say if you want something done properly get someone who is busy to do it. You will cope with everything and be happy with your larger bedroom when it is done.

Good Luck

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