10 Things You Can Like About $4 Gas

Melissa sent me this link this morning and I know have a different appreciation for gas being so costly. 10 Things You Can Like About $4 Gas
It is so worth the read !

Kind of goes along with my thoughts on walking


Dana and Daisy said…
I also heard last week that oil prices are bringing home those manufacturing jobs outsourced overseas. It seems the shipping has outweighed the savings in labor costs
Anonymous said…
As big as I am. I love to walk. The only thing I liked about our apartment was we could walk to the store. I could walk to mail a letter. It was nice and I had lost some weight.

In the house it's just not in me to walk to the store. I'm looking into one of the 3 wheeled bikes with the large basket on back. I could use that to grocery shop, do the post office and even the drive thru at the bank. I'd have to go alone and it would take me awhile. But, the gas saved would be worth it.

JacquiG said…
I just did some complicated (for me anyway!) calculations ... litres to gallons, and Canadian $ to US $, and I figure that our gas at $1.36 (Cdn) per litre equals $5.00 (US) per gallon. That's 25% more than you are paying for your gas!!
Patty said…
Hi Jackie,
We are so totally spoiled in the U.S. We need to change our thinking and our lifestyle here

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