Company Coming !

My sister arrives from Boston today with her family for a weeks visit. Besides this trip being a little vacation for them, they are also looking at houses here. We are all hoping they move to Texas and its looking good. The house is all ready, so this morning I have time to do laundry and do a bit of cooking. I might just be a bit slow in posting this week.


Dana and Daisy said…
Oh I hope you enjoy your sister. NOw if she moves maybe your dad will consider it too!
Iowa Gal said…
I sure do like the color of your walls. Can we see a picture of you and your sister together?? Have a fun visit with her........JAN
Oh I do so hope you have a wonderful visit! That would be nice if they moved close to you guys and your dad moved too! Wouldn't that be great?
Anonymous said…
I was thinking the same as Dana. This may be a great way to get your dad to Texas.

Have a wonderful week. Will be praying all goes well with the home search.

The house looks great. I think this is the first picture I've seen where it's showing the full room! Enjoy having company and I hope your sister can find a lovely home! Enjoy!!
ravengal said…
Your home looks so restful. I especially like the simple moldings/casings around your door and windows.
Margo in Maine said…
Your home looks so peaceful...taking time is important..I always tell people slow down, sit down and have a cup of tea...somehow I do not think you need to be told that because you know the importance of enjoying what is around you...have a wonderful time with your sister..
Heart 4 My Home said…
Enjoy your visit together. Looking forward to hearing about your time together.

P.S. I have tagged you for a 5 things I love meme. Check out my blog for more info. Blessings.
Carrie said…
Summer is a great time for family visits. I've been having a lot of this while taking care of my mother and working on getting my yard in shape. Do stop by if you have time to see my gardening thus far.
Betsy Brock said…
Hi there! I've come by way of Miss Nelson at Meaningful Outcomes. I'm happy to 'meet' you and look at your great blog! I'll be back again, I'm sure to check out your recipes. I love the Stevenson quote on your sidebar!...a great thought that I need to remind myself of often.

Enjoy your sister's visit!
Janette said…
Enjoy the family. Time with them slips by so quickly
Anonymous said…
enjoy your family ;)

many blessings and special moments this week,


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