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You Really Are What You Eat
A while back I posted about my adventure of eating according to Gillian McKeith's "You Are What You Eat" plan. I felt wonderful, but lost interest in sticking to the plan. After going out to eat and coming down with food poisoning, I just didn't go back to the healthy eating. I just wanted to eat what I wanted to. In a matter of two weeks time I began to notice changes in my health. Not sleeping quite so soundly, waking up with a touch of stiffness. Less energy and a bit of a stuffy nose in the mornings. Nothing earth shaking per say but things that had disappeared when I stuck to Gillian's program. There have been highs and lows in my day when not sticking to Gillians plan and they did not exist when my plate was filled with ONLY healthy foods.Most of the ladies I know that are my age are on at least one medication or have trouble hiking a mile or two let alone 8 miles, so I tend to just think about how healthy I am, but this past week I realized I am what I eat and eating better makes such a huge difference. Checking out the condition of my tongue tells the story too. I am mending my ways and getting back on track. Its worth the work and the sacrifice to stay fit.Even if you don't like McKeiths personality, its worth it to give her eating plan a try.