Just a ramble
I have thought a lot about love and family the past few days, for obvious reasons. I have needed help, not something I normally need. Most anyone who knows me, knows that a fierce independent mindset of "I can do it myself" sort of rules me. This is not always a good thing. As humans we do need help from time to time and some things are better when shared and submission is not always the nasty word modern society has labeled it. And most importantly, allowing God to be in the drivers seat usually works out much better and we sure don't need to be back seat drivers for Him. We are a funny lot in a way, us humans. We find it so hard to put faith where it should be. Even thinking about "The Secret", I wonder why its so much easier for us to put our faith in this new label for a very old thing...prayer, is "the secret" and believing in it. It is putting our thoughts out there to God, and then just knowing He will answer. "Ask, believe and receive" is not a new concept. Most of us just can't wrap our minds around asking God for things we need and believing they will come our way. Not really anyway. We might say we believe, but there seems to be some seeds of doubt planted deeply inside of us. We all have been disappointed by people we love so we just transfer that doubt onto how we see God.
And much of the time we pray for God to change other people so we can like them more and God doesn't make people change. We are not His puppets. Its all our choice but He is always willing to help. We need to have a heart ready for change and more of an open heart to continue to see where change is needed. It really does take a lot more of our strength to admit we are wrong, then to just go on the way we are and maybe blame others for what's wrong.
There is always lots to think about in life. Seems like today I will have another day at home, reading, maybe working on some project quietly, with lots of time to think about life.
Also it's always nice to see new pictures of Mei-Ling. My daughters never fail to ask if she's better now. It looks like she is, good for her !!
And I just got your comment on my blog, thank you - Yes, I had a fun time at Goodwill ; I LOVE going there, but you have to go early to get the really good deals, and now I feel pretty tired. Early night for me tonight.
Take good care of yourself - but I bet you do, and all those around you do it too, so...
Keep on getting better..