many blessings
A bit later, a call from Melissa, checking on me. Making sure I was feeling better. Then a call from a friend, asking the same thing... then a bit of a nap.
Another call from Emery to make sure I wasn't in need of anything.
At the door, three cheery faces, Melanie, Casi and Mei-Ling...arriving to look after me. Toast served in a moments time and good smells rising from the stove. Casi and Melanie preparing the evening meal for all of us. Mei-Ling smiling and giggling for her Grammie. Time and energy for a bit of hand work. A crochet heart, reflecting how I feel. Another phone call, Steven checking on me, seeing how I was feeling. So much love all around me, so many blessings. I don't take these blessings for granted, they are beyond wonderful.
I feel better tonight, health returning so quickly, another blessing.
The copper glow of the fire, reflecting and dancing on the floor. Flames from the lamps flickering with a life all their own. I am so thankful.