A Ramble
This morning the air was cold. Jack Frost had made a visit and dusted the earth with his sparkles. The water in the buckets had ice on them. I wished for gloves on my hands as I went about my chores. The chicks all content under the heat lamps warmth. Their little peeping sounds so cute. The cats followed me around and sat with wide eyes by the chicks pen. I was thankful there is no way for the cats to reach the little chickens.
The goats bawling for me to feed them their grain. Freckles likes this sweet feed too and squirms through the fence, pushing her way to the feed bucket. Kindling bucket in hand I went about the job of snapping little twigs for getting the fire going. Bigger kindling already gathered and a good supply of wood in the wood ring in the house. The job went quickly and the bucket filled in no time.
Breakfast eaten, coffee drank, fire going, puppy napping, book in hand...but instead of reading, I did a bit of thinking...maybe it was more like daydreaming. The wood stove making its metal contracting and expanding noises, other than that, the room was silent.
I was thinking back to when my children were babies, remembering how Emery and I would pray together when we carefully laid the sleepy heads into their cribs. We prayed for God to watch over them, to bless them, to help us raise them in the way they should be, and to cover our mistakes done in ignorance. We prayed for them to grow into upstanding adults. I realized today that God answered all those prayers. Now it is time to be praying for this new generation. I also realized that I was not praying for our grand-babies as much as I should be. I wondered if my own children pray for their babies as they lay them in their cribs each night. I never have asked.
Time to get busy, do more decluttering, wash some dishes, dust the furniture, hang the sheets on the line, do some baking and go about the rest of my day with a song in my heart for all the wonder of the day. I can't help but wonder if that dove will visit once again, or if she was just here to remind me that life is extraordinary.
the temperature sure is different from the 90 degrees we saw the other day !
You know, praying with and over children is such an awesome blessing! I remember my mom and my grandmother praying with me. Especially I remember my great grandmother, her gnarled aged hands holding ours as we knelt at the piano bench and prayed before going home after a visit. It is a treasured memory that I will always keep.
Very different birds, but I find all doves intriguing. It was really nice to wake up to their cooing each morning.