"Seek peace and pursue it."

"Seek peace and pursue it." A good sentence don't you think ? Sounds like a recipe for good. Do you know where this quote comes from ? Sounds a bit like something from the 1960's.
Sounds like it could be the words of a Buddhist monk, or a new age guru.
I think it's wise. A bit lofty maybe, in view of how we all seem to act towards one another. We live in a world so far from peaceful, but maybe it was written as instruction for each of us, personal instructions. Good for day to day stuff. Rather than jump on someone you disagree with, seek peace with them, pursue peace with them. Rather than yell at your husband/wife or children, seek peace with them. Instead of firing off a nasty email, seek peace with the person you feel angered at. Hard to get your point across though and prove your way is right when you are seeking peace, pursuing it actively. Oh, maybe that's the point...we don't have to prove our point. Ouch. Maybe pursuing peace means being secure enough to just let someone else go about their own business without our having to say a thing, even when we think they are all wrong.
Anyway, this quote is from Psalm 34: 14.


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