Getting What You Want, The Law of Attraction
So on my refrigerator I put photos of things I wanted, things that would have to just come my way, since they were not things we had in our minds to purchase. I printed the pictures off onto magnetic sheets so they would stick nicely. A new silver station wagon, a trip to havasue falls, an iPod, kitchen cabinets, a certain amount of income for the year, a business of my own, a cell phone and one thing was on there that did not happen YET, to be 134 lbs. Every other thing mentioned, has happened, well the trip hasn't but the reservations are made.
Then there were little things I had wanted, but you know I hate to spend full price for things so they were dreams really...A Dale of Norway Sweater for instance. I have been checking for two years on eBay for the one I like, all more than I wanted to spend. I decided that I was going to find one locally, and I did, at a school yard sale. $3 tags still on it, brand new ! I said we were going to get a gas well lease, and we did. I know full well that some folks just think this Law of Attraction thing is nuts but it works. It's praying and believing, it's thinking positive, it's faith. It's attracting to you the things you want in your life. Even attitide. Parking spots. Coffee. Certain music. Getting past things, but you have to want to get past them, not just hold onto them like you might an unhealthy relationship.
It's all those things. It's ask and you shall receive. It is attracting into your life the things you want. Think carefully about what you want. I really put this thing to the test, wanting some things at a bargain that would be almost impossible to get in these parts. I have received each and every one. Some items like the mineral rights to new property we purchased, was a "want" about as impossible as you can get. We are right in the middle of the biggest gas deposits in North America and no one is parting with their mineral rights. I wanted them and we got them without any hesitation. Less than 6 months later, we had a knock at the door from a Gas company, lease in hand. All this has deepened my belief in God, not because I am getting what I want, but because it proves that you can ask, believe and receive. I have used this for health issues too. Emery uses the Law of Attraction at work and it works. He had an amazing year.
Not sure I will ever get to the place of wanting to be rich monetarily speaking, technically we probably are pretty close to rich, since we have all we want, but we like to live simply so it doesn't show in glamorous ways.
Writing about The Law of Attraction always brings on the heat, but you know what, so what ! I am tired of treading lightly because someone might be offended. It works for me, this "Secret" and when it comes down to it, we all know that if you are a grump, filled with anger and bitterness, that is exactly what you will attract back to yourself. If you are a drama queen, you will get more drama, if you are happy and filled with joy, you get more of that very thing back. If you are kind, you get more kindness back at you. If you expect things, they happen. If you expect to wake up feeling cruddy, you will. If you expect to be spit on, someone will. Oh wait, I was just expecting to be spit on regarding the subject at hand, so I am changing my tune. I will not expect people to be offended, but instead expect open minds, and stories of how these principles have worked for others. Yup, I want to attract that....
Tomorrow on Oprah, it will be about The Secret behind The Secret
this morning, sun behind clouds, radiant
Positive thinking never hurts.
Oh that reminds me maybe I should buy a ticket. Gotta go
I came across this way to live about 20 years ago whilst on my every continuing spiritual search and so it began.
It's not new, it's not weird, it's nothing more than the laws of attraction that work within the universe and has been written by theologians, philosophers, scientists and others for thousands of years.
For those who wish to dismiss the idea or call us them I say....your loss!
I sometimes feel the same way. But I know too well what the LOA can do to bring more joy to peoples lives.
I am a life coach and teach people how to develop skills with the LOA to attract more joy.
Don't forget to watch Oprah this afternoon.
With gratitude....
Patty don't ever start censuring yourself. That would definately not be a good thing.
I enjoy your blog very much.
Anyway, thank you for posting this at just the right time and reminding me about the Oprah show.