Dreams are not the same as peer pressure
After writing about peer pressure the other day, I realized that my thoughts might just need some clarification. Peer pressure is mostly about feeling pressured to do something before you are ready or do something against your moral code, something you would not normally do.
I think people should all have dreams, visions of where they want to go in life, what they want to accomplish and shoot for the moon if they want, as long as its done with compassion.
Adult peer pressure might be best explained by an example of someone feeling pressured by friends to go out to eat and drop $50 when they haven't paid their taxes !
Life without dreaming is life without vision, life without vision is life without reaching and life without reaching becomes lazy and stagnant, a place where bitterness seems to grow.
As a parent, I encourage my now grown children to dream, to build vision boards, to practice the law of attraction, but I discourage them from caving into peer pressure.
Dream and plan, and then dream bigger, but don't grab at things before you are meant to have them.