5 Things Friday
Last night I made a list of "5 things"
5 Things that make me smile...
Grandbaby smiles
Hearing Emery on the other end of the phone, which its ringing right now : )
My children reminissing
Certain songs
snow falling
5 Things I love the taste of...
dark chocolate
good coffee
Pizza from the North End in Boston
Irish Coffee ice cream
meadow tea made fresh on a summers day
5 Things I love the sight of. . .
Emerys hands
my childrens faces
the babies sleeping peacefully
pink roses
sunsets on the ocean
5 Things I love the feel of. . .
Emery's hand
Baby cheeks
warm flannel sheets
wool socks
rose petals
5 Things I love the smell of . . .
Emery's pillow
Freshly brewed coffee
Old English Roses
wood smoke
bread baking
5 things I love the sound of . . .
hearing Emery voice
baby giggles
my childrens laughter
O.K. It's your turn now. I would love to see everyone post "the 5 things"
Let me know if you do.
Breakfast this morning