A True Morning Ramble

My morning stroll around our land yielded up the most wonderful sights and sounds. In the few days I was unable to take my customary walk, there was an explosion of new life. Tiny apricots now hang to the tree where just a week or two ago, they were tiny white flowers. Lilacs are weighing the bush down, their fragrance filling the air all around me. Buds on the grape vines are now leaves, growing before my eyes. The new grasses, so short just last week are now nearing knee height. Birds flying from branch to branch in search of nesting materials. I wondered what it would be like to not watch the unfolding of the seasons and of each day. Staying inside, away from the glories of nature just isn't an option for me. It is my soul food, my spiritual nourishment.
Melanie and I went to her new house this morning and walked her land, soaking in the colors of spring on this damp morning, the kind of morning that makes everything seem more intense in color but softer in how we soak them into our brain. She reminded me of me. Slow and easy steps as if to watch that nothing under foot gets crushed or trampled. Her eyes searching for tiny bits of beauty along with the great obvious ones. There was talk of where to plant this and where to hang the bird feeder she bought with birthday money. So many plans, life just starting.
If I can think of one gift Emery and I have given our girls it is a love of nature. They were taken on hikes from the time they could hold their heads up, strapped in packs and carried with joy along long winding trails. We stopped often to explain and point out things to them. Melanie actually walked the trails of Muir Woods before her first birthday. For us, that deserved a full page in her baby book. Since Melissa was our first, we probably would not have let her attempt that. We would have thought it too much for a wee one. Since Melissa was walking the woods, Melanie would not have settled to be doing any less, despite their age difference.
I think many of us feel that same way, but in reverse. Despite getting a bit older, there is no way I will settle for not being able to do what I did 30 years ago. There are many aspects to aging that is directly connected to our mindset. My mother in law was old, an old lady by the time she was in her early 50's. She decided to be old and let that attitude win out. I have an Aunt about that same age and she is no where near old. She is vital and strong, keeps up with all the modern technologies and is simply amazing. She decided not to be an old lady and she isn't.
Our thoughts become our reality. Even a lie, spoken long enough can become your truth. I know several folks that reality has long been replaced by delusions, and the delusions have become their new truth. Even documentation will not deter them from seeing things as they really are. I suspect they would even pass a lie detector test because the truth is so lost to them.
On the flip side, good truth, good thoughts can replace negative ones that perhaps were learned as children. Hearing as a child that you are no good, worthless etc can hang with you for ever unless you consciously change that thinking and replace what was a childhood truth that was really a lie, with a new and good truth about yourself.
I once heard someone say that they were the first impression I had of them. Meaning, appreciate and yes, love yourself so that is what you pass on as your first impression to someone else. Show your value, not in conceit, but in acceptance of who you are.
My morning ramble must come to an end, there are the daily chores that are waiting to be done.
This is a new day, this is a day to grab hold of joy and feel it. It is the day to write down 5 things you like about yourself and learn to appreciate who you are.
Tall meadow grasses and such


R. Aastrup said…
I love lilacs! I am so eager for all the spring flowers to bud and bloom now! You're so right about attitude...it's our choice.

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