Stormy Texas
make up for lost time.
I am so thankful for the rain, but the storm part can just dissolve as far as I am concerned.
Last night, Melanie, Casi, their friend Matt and Emery and I went out for pizza, I got to see the latest ultra-sound pictures of Mei-Ling. They are so clear. You can actually see her hair. There looks like there is a lot of it and its standing straight up ! She is also sticking out her tongue in one picture. We are all so anxious to hold this little miracle, but we are sure willing to wait a month or so to do it. She needs to stay put just a bit longer.
The kids were hoping to get some more things moved to their new house tonight, but with all this rain, its probably going to be put off for a while.
Each and every day I am so thankful for my children and how much they bless our lives. They have married well, are happy, have made wonderful homes and have done nothing but made our lives richer.
Cutting this short, the lightning is too close now.
I barely keep up with blogs nowadays, but yours always bless me whenever I stop by.
Looking forward to seeing the new addition in your family- at the right time, of course!