"The Secret"
For some that hear about such things, it has caused a mentality close to the book burning days, but I think we all have heard stories much the same regarding Faith Healing and even natural treatments. Balance in life is always best and even then, in this country, we have the freedom to choose our treatments for the most part. I would not begin to say there is only one right choice for all, under every circumstance. There is no one choice for all.
Anyway, I can tell you something, what Emery and I are putting into practice from the book has worked. Even down to the small details of finding good parking places. It has taken a lot of work to change old mindsets and thought patterns.
The world seems so full of opportunities and potential when you look at life this way.
I hesitate to share this story because it seems a bit over the top but its the truth. I have been having some hip pain, no doubt a strained muscle or something from all the painting etc. I spoke my intention to feel good again and within two hours something totally miraculous happened. I remember seeing the words on the screen of the DVD saying, ASK, BELIEVE and RECEIVE and that is what I did. Sitting on the couch, I felt a spasm that I can only equate to when I was well into my pregnancy and the girls turned over. My whole mid section moved. I was frightened at first then thought, no this is a good thing, and at the very moment, in an instant, my hip pain left and never came back. I was healed of the pain. Now, I am not one of those emotionally charged sort of people that buys into any of that "I've been healed" sort of tent revival kind of stuff. I am the doubter in the camp .
But now, I knew my intention, this positive thought, this prayer for health would be answered. What happened was profound and instant and I knew right away, at the same exact moment, in both my heart and my brain, , that my intention spoken for being healed of the pain and feel fine again was granted. I asked, I believed and I received.
Dr John Hagelin, Quantum physicist and public policy expert says...." Our body is really the product of our thoughts. We're beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and function of our bodies.
I love the stories that many of you have emailed me of amazing happenings in your life since putting "The Secret" into practice .
The morning sky
Rain drops hanging off the fence